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Dedication event and showcase in Bordeux

Today Alizée is spending day promoting her new album “5” in Bordeaux, where she has a dedication event at Cultura multimedia store at 5pm. The event takes couple hours and after that she moves to the shopping mall (Rives d’Arcins) right next to it where she will have her first public showcase (mini concert).

We should get photos and videos very soon, so stayt tuned!

Here is one to get started, from today when she was about to arrive Bordeaux, and a sunny photo of the river side in Bordeaux.

in Bordeaux in Bordeaux

Categorised as: News - concerts, News - Event


  1. Princess lili says:

    What it means????show case????is thier alizee’s wardrobe?????

  2. Alexander31088 says:

    Merci à vous pour votre site! =)