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Posts Tagged ‘Nantes’

Alizée continues the tour as professional dancer

After the last weekend, Danse avec les stars – Tour 2016 is finished with the first two cities, Marseille and Nantes. No big surprises in Nantes, the same couples ruled most of the show, even though on Saturday Priscilla Betti & Christophe Licata managed to steal the victory from Rayane Bensetti & Denitsa Ikonomova. Alizée […]

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Winter vacation is over! Back to the business!

Not only us, but also Alizée, has ended her winter vacation, which she mostly spent back home in Ajaccio in Corsica. Couple days ago she posted on Instagram a photo of her last moment of freedom before returning to her job (singing & dancing). The next few weeks will be quite hectic actually. Today she […]

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