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Posts Tagged ‘reportage’

Reportage from Grenoble’s autograph session

On Wednesday, Alizée held another autographs dedication session, this time in city called Grenoble, in south-east of France, at the foot of the Alps. Like in the case of Metz, we now have a short reportage how it went in Grenoble. Thanks to Michael from Switzerland, who again, went to see Alizée and wrote this […]

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Full translation for the Mexican show Las 10 Màs Cool

We have just added full translation for the Mexican show called “Las 10 Màs Cool” that was shown on 22nd of September on Mexican ForoTV and ScoolTV channels. The translation is done by RMJ, based on transcript by pepon66. Thanks to FerAunger also for little help. You can see the video and the translation over […]

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The Méxican TV show now available online

As told earlier yesterday night, the Méxican TV channel ForoTV had a special program of Alizée on at “Scool” (or “Las 10 Mas Cool”) show. The show started about 15 minutes late due to earlier programs getting delayed also. The show finally started at 8:15pm Méxican time, 3h15 French time, and lasted one our. The […]

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Alizée on Méxican FOROtv

Information circulating on Facebook are telling that Alizée would be on Méxican web TV, called FOROtv, tonight at 20h (8pm) Méxican time (3h French time). If it is on, it’s most likely some sort of reportage. We will post more about this once we get more news (propably not until the show actually starts, if […]

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